[#583] The latest FREE NON-SUBSCRIPTION DX-World Weekly Bulletin written by Bjorn ON9CFG is available to download. Click below to get the newest jam-packed edition. This week runs to 19 pages. Previous bulletins can all be found here. Please contact Bjorn with any updates or errors. DOWNLOAD THE LATEST BULLETIN =====
[NEWS UPDATE] – A return to the Caribbean is on the cards for Michael, DF8AN early next year, this time taking in Montserrat, Antigua and St Martin. Info and pictures below from earlier this year. Dates for 2025 trip as follows: FS/DF8AN (February 19-27, 2025) V26MN (March 1 and March 9/10, 2025) VP2MMN (March 1-9, […]
[NEWS UPDATE @ 1645z] Team have arrived in Burkina Faso and now going through a strict check of bags, equipment, serial numbers. Once clear of customs, antenna building starts on November 1 (local time). Pics by team member OK2WX. [OCTOBER 30 @ 1400Z] Mealtime for most of the XT2MD team ahead of their travels to […]
[NEWS @ 1245Z] – V55LA team has arrived in Namibia and is currently going through the customs process. Next step is a 6 hours drive up north to the QTH! [OCTOBER 30 @ 1400Z] – Erwann, LB1QI says: V55LA team is currently at Oslo Airport on the way to checking in. First step of an […]
[NEWS] – Since the previous update the shipping container has made it across the Atlantic and is now located off C6 – Bahamas. VISIT THE TX7N WEBSITE [OCTOBER 17] – We are excited to announce that our shipping container has just departed and is now crossing the Atlantic, heading towards New York! This is a […]
Al, W6HGF and Ed, K4HGF will be active from St. Barthelemy as FJ/W6HGF & FJ/K4HGF during November 1-6, 2024. QRV on HF bands; all modes. QSL via homecalls.
[REMINDER] Operating from the QTH of ZD7CTO, look for Japanese ops JM1GDA and JF3SFU to be active from St Helena as ZD7G and ZD7SFU during November 2-22, 2024. QRV holiday-style on HF bands.
[NEWS @ 1015Z] – The team just completed a 10-hour flight from Istanbul to Kuala Lumpur. Now they have a 2-hour wait for the next five hour flight to Perth, Australia. [OCTOBER 30 @ 2245Z] – European contingent of VK9CV team now at Istanbul airport ready for next flight to 9M2, then onto VK6. Pic […]
[NEWS] – After a short break, the 7Q1 DXpedition will resume activities later today, lasting for a few more days. [OCTOBER 28] – Vasco, 7Q7CT reports: After 5 intensive days and especially the last 2 with CQWW, the team is resting and soon we will continue with the DXpedition. I want to give the other […]
[REMINDER] Tom, OE1TRI will be active from Kagi Island, Maldives as 8Q7TR during November 2-9, 2024. QRV holiday-style using low power on SSB & FT8. QSL via H/c. More details here. Picture below is from Tom’s previous activity from the Maldives in 2022.
[QSL PREVIEW] – DX-WORLD was very happy to be a corporate sponsor of the N5J Jarvis Island DXpedition and as such we now show the QSL card preview: [SUMMARY] – Nine days after going QRT, Don N1DG has written a very interesting and full summary on the Jarvis Island DXpedition. Well worth a read here […]
[NEWS UPDATE] – 3D2Y by the numbers: 43 YOTA remote operators on our team. Average age: 20 years. 3 YOTA on-island operators on our team. Average age: 23 years old. 20 CW ops. 18 Elmers. 14 Countries. 4 Continents. 6 YLs. 20 days on the air. Average temperature 82F-28C. Heat index 95-100F 35-38C. Average wind […]
[UPDATE @ 0500z] – Having set-up a delta-loop, Jacek is now up and running on 80m (SWR is 1.17 for the best frequency), however at the moment even 40m is quite difficult to work EU “pistols”, so 80m may be a non-starter. Recording by DX-WORLD. [OCTOBER 27 / PICTURE] – Jacek updates to say he’s […]
Brian, ND3F will again be active from New Providence island, Bahamas, NA-001 as C6AQQ during November 21-28, 2024. QRV on HF bands; participation in the CQWW CW contest (SOAB, LP category). QSL via LoTW.
[QRT] – Another excellent DXpedition by this super group has come to an end. They made just over 95K QSOs. Thanks a lot guys for flying the flag! [OCTOBER 28] – As the DXpedition draws to a close – check the log – here’s some beautiful sunset pictures and video by team member DL8LAS. On […]
Kouichi, JI1FGX/DU9 is planning an IOTA DXpedition from Camiguin Island, OC-235 during next April-June when conditions on 50Mhz are more favourable. This will apparently be the first 6m activation from the island. He will use a HexBeam covering: 14, 18, 21, 24, 28, and 50MHz with the main mode being FT8. QSL via JJ2VLY, LoTW. […]
[REMINDER] – Sebastien, F8DQZ (ex-3XY3D) will be active from French Guiana as FY/F8DQZ during October 29 to November 8, 2024. He is there on a business trip but will QRV when time permits on HF bands (Yagi and IC-7300). QSL via F5OZC.
[NEWS UPDATE by 3D2AG/P] – Greetings from Rotuma! A little update about the situation here: After I arrived, the weather had been quite bad for about a week, with heavy rains and wind. This delayed the setup of the main Spiderbeam antenna, as well as the power side (diesel generator + solar PV array). There […]
Krish, W4VKU announces that he will be back in VU4 in late November to mid December 2024. He mentions that since many of you were unable to work VU4, due to the noise levels encountered during the previous VU4N trip, the needed permission was sought back in January 2024 to return and finish the effort, […]