A Shortened 20 thru 40 Meter Vertical for POTA, Moon tracking DLL, Sideswiper Net, Practical Design of Very High Gain Yagi Arrays, DJ5IL Karl Transmitting on Shortwave since 1973
Yaesu has announced the FTX-1F, a portable transceiver launching in early 2025. It offers 6W output, 9 hours of operation on HF bands, and covers HF, 50, 144, and 430 MHz. More details coming soon!
Shortened 40m Rotary Dipole Antenna, Aging Trends in Ham Radio Contesting: A Demographic Review, DIY 4:1 Current Balun with FT240-31, HB9CV On-Line Antenna Calculator , Electronic Component Distribution, The PAPA System, Charly Tango International DX-Group - Blog, Northland Antique Radio Club